DM Clinical Research Database Exposed Online, Leaking 1.6M Patient Records


A clinical research database containing over 1.6 million patient records was discovered publicly accessible online without encryption or password protection. Security researcher Jeremiah Fowler found the dataset, linked to DM Clinical Research, exposing sensitive information such as names, medical histories, phone numbers, email addresses, medications, and health conditions. 

The unprotected database, totaling 2TB of data, put those affected at risk of identity theft, fraud, and social engineering scams.

While the database name suggests it belongs to DM Clinical Research, it remains unclear whether the firm directly managed it or if a third party was responsible. Fowler immediately sent a disclosure notice, and the database was taken offline within hours. 

However, it is unknown how long it remained exposed or whether threat actors accessed the data before its removal. Only a thorough forensic audit can determine the extent of the breach.

DM Clinical Research responded to the disclosure, stating that they are reviewing the findings to ensure a swift resolution. They emphasized their commitment to data security and compliance with legal regulations, highlighting the importance of protecting sensitive patient information. 

However, this incident underscores the growing risks facing the healthcare industry, which remains a prime target for cyberattacks, including ransomware and data breaches.

Healthcare data is among the most va

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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