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Discovering that you’re pregnant can trigger a mix of emotions—excitement, uncertainty, or even distress—depending on your circumstances. Whatever your feelings are, your next steps will likely involve disclosing that news, along with other deeply personal information, to a medical provider or counselor as you explore your options.
Many people will choose to disclose that information to their trusted obstetricians, or visit their local Planned Parenthood clinic. Others, however, may instead turn to a crisis pregnancy center (CPC). Trouble is, some of these centers may not be doing a great job of prioritizing or protecting their clients’ privacy.
CPCs (also known as “fake clinics”) are facilities that are often connected to religious organizations and have a strong anti-abortion stance. While many offer pregnancy tests, counseling, and information, as well as limited medical services in some cases, they do not provide reproductive healthcare such as abortion or, in many cases, contraception. Some are licensed medical clinics; most are not. Either way, these services are a growing enterprise: in 2022, CPCs reportedly received $1.4 billion in revenue, including substantial federal and state funds.
Last year, researchers at the Campaign for Accountability filed multiple complaints urging attorneys general in five states—Idaho, Minnesota, Washington, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey—to investigate crisis pregnancy centers that allegedly had misrepresented, through their client intake process and/or websites, that information provided to them was protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).
Additionally, an incident in Louisiana raised concerns that CPCs may be sharing client information with other centers in their affiliated networks, without appropriate privacy or anonymi
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