Eight Years Holding ISPs to Account in Latin America: A Comparative Outlook of Victories and Challenges for User Privacy

Latin American and Spanish telecommunications companies have made important advances in their privacy policies and practices, but persistent gaps and worrying trends pose potential risks for internet and mobile phone users, according to a new consolidated report published today by EFF. The report is based on the analyses and assessment of industry practices by EFF partners over the last eight years to shed light on telecom and Internet service providers’ (ISPs) commitments to users’ privacy, in an initiative based on EFF’s Who Has Your Back project.

Through periodic reports within the ¿Quién defiende tus datos? project, leading digital rights groups in Colombia (Fundación Karisma), Perú (Hiperderecho), México (R3D), Brazil, (InternetLab), Chile (Derechos Digitales), Paraguay (TEDIC), Argentina (ADC), Spain (Eticas), and Panamá and Nicaragua (IPANDETEC), have been rating ISPs and holding them to account vis-à-vis privacy best practices and international human rights standards. Evaluating companies’ public statements, policies, service contracts, transparency reports, law enforcement guidelines, and judicial or administrative challenges to government demands for user data, each national edition assesses whether and how ISPs defend users’ privacy and protect their data.
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