Election Security: Lawmakers Will Introduce New Machines Against Defcon Hackers

August is marked as a busy month for computer hackers, since they attempt to
break into the election equipment of the Las Vegas conference hall with their
USB sticks, screwdrivers or bare fingertips, with one goal: discovering new
and more effective security measures for the system.

However, organizers of
this year’s DEF CON hacker convection (concluding this Sunday) spent as much
time over the physical safety of the security researchers hacking into the

The researchers who examine electoral equipment for vulnerabilities
have come under growing intimidation and harassment since former President
Donald Trump’s effort to annul the 2020 election.

In order to protect these
researchers, the organizers of the conference’s ‘Voting Village’ hacking event
apparently appointed undercover security consultants. Additionally, they
shifted the entire event to a side room so as to monitor the activities more
closely and instructed their roughly two dozen volunteers on what to do in the
event in case any agitators turned up.

The measures provide a little glimpse
into a trend in the landscape of voting security in the US. Election
officials, poll workers, and security researchers will eventually be forced to think
more carefully about physical safety and take a variety of additional
safeguards as a result of the increase in threats caused by disinformation.

According t

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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