Elevated Cybercrime Risks in Metro Cities: Understanding Urban Vulnerabilities


In metropolitan cities, cyber fraudsters understand how people think. It is not surprising that they provide certain services so quickly and efficiently to people with busy lives. Experts have found that this puts them at a higher risk of scams. With the help of cyber security pundits and regular victims of this problem, CNBC-TV18 gets to the bottom of the problem. 
Major metropolitan cities are seen as prime targets for cybercriminals as cybercrime becomes more common. They set up more operations to achieve their goals. 

It is possible to estimate the gravity of the situation by looking at Chennai, which has been the victim of nearly 8 million malware-related attacks in its history alone.  

Metropolitan cities are more vulnerable to cybercrimes as they have a lot of digital infrastructure and online services available to them. However, they lack strong data protection policies for their customers. The rise in cybercrime focuses cybercriminals’ attention on the major metropolitan areas of the country. 
By simply looking at Chennai’s condition, which received nearly 8 million malware-related attacks last year, one can determine the gravity of the situation, which can be calculated by looking at the condition there.
It has been announced by QuickHeal that more t

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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