Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source

Memory safety vulnerabilities remain a pervasive threat to software security. At Google, we believe the path to eliminating this class of vulnerabilities at scale and building high-assurance software lies in Safe Coding, a secure-by-design approach that prioritizes transitioning to memory-safe languages.

This post demonstrates why focusing on Safe Coding for new code quickly and counterintuitively reduces the overall security risk of a codebase, finally breaking through the stubbornly high plateau of memory safety vulnerabilities and starting an exponential decline, all while being scalable and cost-effective.

We’ll also share updated data on how the percentage of memory safety vulnerabilities in Android dropped from 76% to 24% over 6 years as development shifted to memory safe languages.

Counterintuitive results

Consider a growing codebase primarily written in memory-unsafe languages, experiencing a constant influx of memory safety vulnerabilities. What happens if we gradually transition to memory-safe languages for new features, while leaving existing code mostly untouched except for bug fixes?

We can simulate the results. After some years, the code base has the following makeup1 as new memory unsafe development slows down, and new memory safe development starts to take over:

In the final year of our simulation, despite the growth

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This article has been indexed from Google Online Security Blog

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