A number of current and former OpenAI and Google DeepMind employees have claimed that AI businesses “possess substantial non-public data regarding the capabilities and limitations of their systems” that they cannot be expected to share voluntarily.
The claim was made in a widely publicised open letter in which the group emphasised what they called “serious risks” posed by AI. These risks include the entrenchment of existing inequities, manipulation and misinformation, and the loss of control over autonomous AI systems, which could lead to “human extinction.” They bemoaned the absence of effective oversight and advocated for stronger whistleblower protections.
The letter’s authors said they believe AI can bring unprecedented benefits to society and that the risks they highlighted can be reduced with the involvement of scientists, policymakers, and the general public. However, they said that AI companies have financial incentives to avoid effective oversight.
Claiming that AI firms are aware of the risk levels of different kinds of harm and the adequacy of their protective measures, the group of employees stated that the companies have only
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