Enhanced In-Call Security in Android 16 Aims to Tackle Scammers


As part of a new security feature being developed by Google, users will no longer be able to modify sensitive settings when they are on a phone call. As a part of the in-call anti-scam protection, users are specifically prevented from enabling settings that allow applications to be installed from unknown sources and the grant of accessibility access as part of this in-call anti-scam protection. 
To mitigate the risk of scams exploiting these permissions during phone conversations, the developers of the app have developed several features. Android Authority was the first to report the development.

As users attempt to alter their information while speaking to a customer service representative, a warning message appears stating as follows: “Scammers often request these actions during phone call conversations, so that is why it has been blocked. If users are guided to do this by someone they are not familiar with, it could be a scam.” 

A new version of Android 16 Beta 2 was released this week, which introduced several new features and a modification to the phone call settings. The new features are intended to help improve not only the user experience but also to protect users against fraudulent scams. One of the features, which has just been introduced, is anti-scammer protection during phone calls, which is designed to protect the privacy and sensitive data of users during a phone call. 
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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