In a momentous UN summit held in Geneva on July 7, 2023, Doreen Bodgan-Martin, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union, proclaimed the arrival of the AI era. This declaration followed the European Union’s groundbreaking AI regulation, which has sparked discussions about the potential for similar initiatives worldwide.
Acknowledging the significance of AI’s impact on global affairs, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, during a historic UN Security Council meeting 11 days later, expressed agreement with the sentiments shared by nations and regulators alike.
The European Union’s AI Act stands as a potential blueprint for global AI regulation. Its comprehensive approach and forward-thinking measures could set the standard for countries worldwide.
The European Union’s AI Act stands as a potential blueprint for global AI regulation. Its comprehensive approach and forward-thinking measures could set the standard for countries worldwide.
The need to shield citizens from potential AI-related harms, both known issues like discrimination, privacy violations, and copyright theft, as well as unforeseen challenges, has garnered attention from influential entities. However, the approach to address these concerns has varied across nations. Rather than adopting a comprehensive approach, many countries have opted to regulate AI sector by sector, similar to how aircraft design and flight safety are managed individually.
This sector-specific regulation has had mixed results, as evidenced by the infamous case of the Boeing 737 MAX, which faced regulatory failure and was grou
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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