Executive Order to the State Department Sideswipes Freedom Tools, Threatens Censorship Resistance, Privacy, and Anonymity of Millions


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In the first weeks of the Trump Administration, we have witnessed a spate of sweeping, confusing, and likely unconstitutional executive orders, including some that have already had devastating human consequences. EFF is tracking many of them, as well as other developments that impact digital rights. 

Right now, we want to draw attention to one of the executive orders that directly impacts the freedom tools that people around the world rely on to safeguard their security, privacy, and anonymity. EFF understands how critical these tools are – protecting the ability to make and share anticensorship, privacy and anonymity-protecting technologies has been central to our work since the Crypto Wars of the 1990s.

This executive order called the Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid has led the State Department to immediately suspend its contracts with hundreds of organizations in the U.S. and around the world that have received support through programs administered by the State Department, including through its Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. This includes many freedom technologies that use cryptography, fight censorship, protect freedom of speech, privacy and anonymity for millions of people around the world.  While the State Department has issued some limited waivers, so far those waivers do not seem to cover the open source internet freedom technologies.  As a result, many of these projects have to stop or severely curtail their work, lay off talented workers, and stop or slow further development. 

There are many examples of freedom technologies, but here are a few that should be readily understandable

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