FBCS Data Breach Affects 4.2 Million Americans


Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS), a debt collection agency, has announced that a data breach in February 2024 has now affected 4.2 million people in the U.S. This is a drastic rise from previous reports and underscores the growing impact of the breach.

Initially, in April, FBCS reported that 1.9 million individuals had their sensitive information compromised due to a breach on February 14, 2024. In May, this number was revised upward to 3.2 million. Recently, a new notice filed with the Office of the Maine Attorney General increased the total number of affected individuals to 4,253,394.

Types of Compromised Data

The breached information varies per person but includes highly sensitive data such as full names, Social Security Numbers (SSNs), birth dates, account information, and driver’s licence or ID card numbers. This level of data exposure poses serious risks of identity theft and fraud.

Company’s Response and Notifications

Starting July 23, FBCS began notifying the additional people impacted by the breach. These notifications warn recipients about the increased risk of phishing and fraud attempts. The company is also offering free 24-month credit monitoring and identity restoration services through CyEx to help those affected.

Details of the Breach

The breach was discovered by FBCS on February 26, 2024, when the company detected unauthorised access to specific systems within it

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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