FBI Issues Warning as BlackCat Ransomware Targets More Than 60 Organizations Worldwide

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An FBI flash alert released this week suggests that the law enforcement agency has identified at least 60 ransomware attacks worldwide by the BlackCat (ALPHV) group between November 2021 and March 2022. 

The flash alert highlights the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed and indicators of compromise (IOCs) associated with ransomware groups spotted during FBI investigations.

According to the FBI’s Cyber Division, BlackCat also tracked as ALPHV and Noberus “is the first ransomware group to do so successfully using RUST, considered to be a more secure programming language that offers improved performance and reliable concurrent processing.”

BlackCat’s ransomware executable is also highly customizable and is loaded with several encryption methods and options that make it easy to adapt attacks to a wide range of industrial organizations. “Many of the developers and money launderers for BlackCat/ALPHV are linked to Darkside/Blackmatter, indicating they have extensive networks and experience with ransomware operations,” the FBI added. 
FBI Issues Warning as BlackCat Ransomware Targets More Than 60 Organizations Worldwide