FIN7 Cybercrime Syndicate: Emerges as a Major Player in Ransomware Ecosystem


A thorough investigation of FIN7 has revealed the organisational structure of the cybercrime group as well as its function as an associate for launching ransomware assaults. Additionally, it has revealed deeper connections between the group and the larger threat ecosystem, which includes the now-defunct DarkSide, REvil, and LockBit families of ransomware. 
The extremely active threat group Carbanak is known for using a wide range of instruments and strategies to broaden its “cybercrime horizons,” including adding ransomware to its playbook and setting up fictitious security companies to entice researchers into performing ransomware attacks under the pretext of penetration testing. The financially motivated adversary has compromised more than 8,147 victims worldwide, with the majority of the affected businesses being based in the United States. Other notable nations include China, Germany, Canada, Italy, and the U.K.
Over the years, FIN7’s invasion techniques have extended beyond conventional social engineering to include infected USB drives, compromised software supply chains, and the exploitation of stolen credentials obtained from dark web markets.
“Nowadays, its initial approach is to carefully pick high-value companies from the pool of already compromised enterprise systems and force them to pay large ransoms to restore their data or seek unique ways to monetize the data and re

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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