Five Ways the Internet Became More Dangerous in 2023

The emergence of cyber dangers presents a serious threat to people, companies, and governments globally at a time when technical breakthroughs are the norm. The need to strengthen our digital defenses against an increasing flood of cyberattacks is highlighted by recent events. The cyber-world continually evolves, requiring a proactive response, from ransomware schemes to DDoS attacks.

1.SolarWinds Hack: A Silent Intruder

The SolarWinds cyberattack, a highly sophisticated infiltration, sent shockwaves through the cybersecurity community. Unearthed in 2021, the breach compromised the software supply chain, allowing hackers to infiltrate various government agencies and private companies. As NPR’s investigation reveals, it became a “worst nightmare” scenario, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance in securing digital supply chains.
2. Pipeline Hack: Fueling Concerns

The ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline in May 2021 crippled fuel delivery systems along the U.S. East Coast, highlighting the vulnerability of critical infrastructure. This event not only disrupted daily life but also exposed the potential for cyber attacks to have far-reaching consequences on essential services. As The New York Times reported, the incident prompted a reassessment of cybersecurity measures for critical infrastructure.
3. MGM and Caesar’s Pala

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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