Following a Surge in Metaverse Crimes, Interpol Promises to Implement Punishment

Real-world criminals are now attempting to conduct malicious practices in the virtual world, but this time they may as well face its repercussions. In order to assure the same, the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) is on its way to developing techniques that could identify authority crimes in the Metaverse to combat cyber-attacks and criminals lurking in the digital world. 

According to Secretary General Jurgen Stock, the objective of Interpol is to monitor criminal activities across the metaverse. The “sophisticated and professional” criminals are opting for advanced technological tools and tactics to commit crimes, which has to stop for the sake of online users. 

As the number of people using the metaverse rises, more crimes including data theft, money laundering, crimes against children, financial fraud, ransomware, phishing, etc. could occur. 

Stock believed that it was essential for Interpol to remain relevant and implement new technology as they were developed. He stressed the importance of Interpol’s response to the problem, emphasizing how rapidly criminals are adopting new technologies for their illicit activities. 

He also noted that the company’s authorities run short of necessary resources at times, in order to carry out their jobs effectively. They have seen firsthand how if action is delayed, trust in the agency’s resources and, consequently, the metaverse, may as well be tarnished. Such services are currently available, and criminals are already using them.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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