Getting the Most Value out of the OSCP: Pre-Course Prep

The first post in a five-part practical guide series on maximizing the professional, educational, and financial value of the OffSec certification pursuit for a successful career in offensive cybersecurity consulting


All opinions expressed in this article are solely my own. I have reviewed the content to ensure compliance with OffSec’s copyright policies and agreements. I have not been sponsored or incentivized in any way to recommend or oppose any resources mentioned in this article.


Love it or hate it, the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) remains a significant hurdle for many aspiring offensive security consulting professionals. While the course and exam offer undeniable educational value, I believe there are underappreciated practical steps students can take during their “OSCP journey” to strengthen their candidacy and develop the essential soft and technical skills needed for success in the field. In this post (hopefully the first of a small series), I’ll explore three pieces of practical advice for students to consider before enrolling in the course. In future posts, I hope to explore more advice tailored to distinct phases of the OSCP journey.

PEN-200: Penetration Testing Certification with Kali Linux | OffSec

A Little Bit About Me

I am an associate consultant in the offensive security consulting industry, having successfully transitioned from a career as a software engineer in information technology (IT). While my background in offensive security consulting is still growing, I feel that my recent experience as a student trying to earn th

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