GitHub Scam: Fake Game Mods Steal User Credentials and Data

An advanced malware campaign exploiting GitHub repositories masked as game mods (and cracked software) has been found, revealing a risky blend of automated credential harvesting and social engineering tactics. 

While going through articles on social engineering, cybersecurity expert Tim found “a relatively new scam scheme” that shocked him. “People create thousands of GitHub repositories with all sorts of things – from Roblox and Fortnite mods to “cracked” FL Studio and Photoshop,” says Tim. 

About Redox stealer

Experts have found more than 1,100 dangerous repositories spreading versions of Redox stealer, a python-based malware built to extract important data, browser cookies, gaming platform credentials, and cryptocurrency wallet keys.

When we download and run this software, the data collected from our systems is sent to some Discord server, according to Tim, where “hundreds of people crawl through the data searching for crypto wallet private keys, bank accounts and social media credentials, and even Steam and Riot Games accounts.” 

Redox Stealer Details

Redox runs via a multi-stage data harvesting process that starts with syst

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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