Global Taskforce Dismantles Encrypted Criminal Platform ‘Ghost,’ Leading to 51 Arrests


In a major breakthrough, Ireland’s police service, An Garda Síochána, collaborated with Europol and law enforcement from eight other countries to dismantle a sophisticated criminal platform known as ‘Ghost.’ This encrypted platform was widely used for large-scale drug trafficking, money laundering, and other serious criminal activities. So far, the coordinated operation has led to the arrest of 51 individuals, including 38 in Australia and 11 in Ireland, and is seen as a critical step toward disrupting international organized crime. 

Ghost’s advanced encryption capabilities allowed criminals to communicate without fear of detection, handling approximately 1,000 messages daily. It even featured self-destruct options to erase messages, offering a high level of secrecy for criminal enterprises. During the investigation, Irish authorities seized 42 encrypted devices and over €15 million worth of drugs, such as cocaine, cannabis, and heroin, linking the platform to at least four criminal gangs operating within Ireland. The platform’s dismantling is part of a more extensive, ongoing investigation into organized crime that relies on encrypted communication networks to conduct illegal operations. 
Europol’s executive director, Catherine De Bolle, emphasized the importance of international collaboration in this operation, noting that the joint effort from various countries was crucial in dismantling a system that many criminals considered impenetrable. She stated that such coordinated action demonstrates that law enfo

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