Google Introduces Advanced Anti-Theft and Data Protection Features for Android Devices


Google is set to introduce multiple anti-theft and data protection features later this year, targeting devices from Android 10 up to the upcoming Android 15. These new security measures aim to enhance user protection in cases of device theft or loss, combining AI and new authentication protocols to safeguard sensitive data. 
One of the standout features is the AI-powered Theft Detection Lock. This innovation will lock your device’s screen if it detects abrupt motions typically associated with theft attempts, such as a thief snatching the device out of your hand. Another feature, the Offline Device Lock, ensures that your device will automatically lock if it is disconnected from the network or if there are too many failed authentication attempts, preventing unauthorized access. 
Google also introduced the Remote Lock feature, allowing users to lock their stolen devices remotely via This function requires only the phone number and a security challenge, giving users time to recover their account details and utilize additional options in Find My Device, such as initiating a full factory reset to wipe the device clean. 
According to Google Vice President Suzanne Frey, these features aim to make it significantly harder for thieves to access stolen devices.

All these features—Theft Detec

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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