Google hopes that better badging alerting to independent audits will help Android users in finding more trustworthy VPN apps.
The ad giant and cloud provider has given independently audited apps in its Play store a more visible display of their security credentials, particularly a banner atop their Google Play page.
According to Nataliya Stanetsky of Google’s Android Security and Privacy Team, in an announcement, VPN apps are the first to receive this special treatment since they manage a sizable quantity of classified data. Therefore, miscreants frequently target them for subversion.
“When a user searches for VPN apps, they will now see a banner at the top of Google Play that educates them about the ‘Independent security review’ badge in the Data Safety Section,” explained Stanetsky.
Google and the App Defence Alliance (ADA) expanded their partnership last year to incorporate the Mobile App Security Assessment (MASA),
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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