Growing Use of Winos4.0 Toolkit Poses New Threat to Windows Users


Advanced hacking toolkit Winos4.0 spreads across the globe, security experts warn. Originally reported by Trend Micro, this new toolkit-just like known kits Cobalt Strike and Sliver-was connected to a string of recent cyber attacks in China, having initially spread through fake software downloads. This year, Fortinet reported that the toolkit is also disseminated through game-themed files, which now tends to expand and might pose a risk to a larger user base.

Attack Framework

Winso4.0 is a post-exploitation toolkit: after successfully gaining initial access to a system, the attackers use it for further invasion and domination. First, it was discovered inside the applications downloaded by users who considered it software in their interest, including VPNs or Google Chrome downloads for the Chinese market. Under the aliases Void Arachne or Silver Fox, the attackers entice users with these very popular applications full of malicious components designed to compromise their systems.

New strategies involve attackers using game applications, via which they have broadcasted Winos4.0, again targeting Chinese users mainly. This way, hackers change and utilise attractive downloads to penetrate devices.

Infection Stages

When one of such benign-looking files is downloaded by a victim, the Winos4.0 toolkit initiates a

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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