Do not set weak passwords for your solar panels
Hackers are attracted to weak passwords like moths to flame. Imagine this: your password is weak enough to be hacked via brute-force attack, or already known because you haven’t reset the factory admin default.
In that case, it is a win-win for hackers who want to steal your data, as there is no need for advanced infostealer malware campaigns. However, when the case is “energy,” and the entry route is via solar panels installed on your rooftops, the price to pay increases.
Global shift and security gaps in solar power
The Global move for smart-energy production has added new security gaps to national power grids. German International Broadcaster “Deutsche Welle” (DW) talked with hackers who have revealed flaws in solar power plants and rooftop installations around the world.
DW has alerted that “hackers can easily access solar power plants due to weak passwords and vulnerable software, posing a significant threat to energy security.” Rooftop installations are the main concern because the “ transition to renewable energy relies on digital networks that can be targeted by hackers,” Mathis Richtmann, reporter at Deutsche Welle said.
Security gaps explained
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