Hacktivism: How Hacktivists are Using Digital Activism to Fight for Justice

Hacktivism: How Hacktivists are Using Digital Activism to Fight for Justice

What is Hacktivism?

Hacktivism, a blend of hacking and activism, has become a major threat in the digital landscape. Hacktivists are driven by political, religious, and social aims, they use different strategies to achieve their goals, and their primary targets include oppressive institutions or governments.

Hacktivists are known for using their technical expertise to drive change and have diverse aspirations, from free speech advocacy and protesting human rights violations to anti-censorship and religious discrimination. 

Data Leaks, Web Defacements, and DDoS Attacks

A recent report by CYFIRMA reveals that hacktivists believe themselves to be digital activists and work for the cause of justice, attacking organizations that they think should be held responsible for their malpractices. “Operation ‘Hamsaupdate’ has been active since early December 2023, where the hacktivist group Handala has been using phishing campaigns to gain access to Israel-based organizations. After breaching the systems, they deploy wipers to destroy data and cause

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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