Halliburton, one of the world’s largest energy companies, has confirmed that it was the victim of a cyberattack. Hackers infiltrated the company’s systems and stole sensitive information. The attack occurred last week, and Halliburton is still determining the extent of the data that was taken.
In a recent filing with government regulators, Halliburton acknowledged the breach but has yet to disclose the full details of what was stolen. The company is currently investigating the incident and deciding what legal notifications are required. In response to the attack, Halliburton took certain systems offline as a precaution and is working to restore normal operations, especially for its oil and fracking businesses.
When approached for additional comments, company spokesperson Amina Rivera declined to elaborate further, stating that Halliburton would not provide more information beyond what was mentioned in its official filing.
Although Halliburton has not officially confirmed it, there are signs that the cyberattack may have been part of a ransomware campaign. TechCrunch obtained a ransom note related to the incident, which claims that hackers encrypted Halliburton’s files and stole sensitive data. A group known as RansomHub is believed to be behind the attack. This gang is notorious for carrying out similar cyberattacks, using stolen data as leverage to demand ransom payments.
RansomHub typically publishes stolen files on its dark web platform when victims refuse to pay. So far, Halliburton has not been listed as one of Ransom
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