Technology has been impacted by artificial intelligence in practically every field. You would struggle to identify a tech-related field where artificial intelligence hasn’t had some sort of impact, from data analysis to art programmes. AI hasn’t advanced as quickly in video games as it has in other fields, but even in this field, there are still some fascinating advancements that have the potential to completely transform the gaming experience.
Of course, developers are already utilising generic AI technologies to assist them create content for their games, such as generating art, writing scripts, and finding ideas for what to do next. But in certain instances, artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed gaming and accomplished tasks that would be extremely laborious or impossible for a human to complete.
AI can design NPCs that respond to your words
Making a game in which the main character speaks exactly what the player wants to say can be quite difficult. When continuing the tale, you can only provide the player a limited number of options, and even then,
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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