Do you think continuing with the same old version of the same old software is a good idea? While it may function adequately for the time being, the clock is ticking towards disaster. Waiting to upgrade results in a monster that consumes money, time, data, and morale.
Demands on your organisation are increasing, putting additional strain on your outdated software to perform under conditions it was not built to withstand. As your system strains to keep up, malfunctions occur more frequently, increasing the likelihood of failure. Software vendors may still be prepared to assist, but when your old system fades into obscurity, fixing it becomes a custom task with increased custom work costs.
Maintenance is critical and costs more as software ages. If you think you can forgo maintenance and only pay for repairs on a case-by-case basis, you’re going down a bad road. You’ll deplete your money and risk having emergencies that hinder or even halt your output completely. When a software system goes down for repair, personnel and procedures may be affected.
Do you worry about the cost of lic
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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