Here’s Why The New U.S. National Cybersecurity Policy Need Some Minor Tweaks


The majority of Americans who stay up to date on cybersecurity news are aware that the Biden-Harris Administration announced its new “National Cybersecurity Strategy” early this year.

Immediately after taking office, this administration had to cope with the consequences of the major SolarWinds data breach and a widespread panic on the eastern seaboard spurred on by the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack. 

The administration quickly issued executive orders focusing on cybersecurity and pushed for laws that would improve the national infrastructure of the United States for the government, businesses, and citizens in response to this “trial by fire.” 

Although widely acclaimed by the cybersecurity world, the strategy is quite comprehensive and ambitious. Numerous experts feel that the document needs to improve on several of its points. 

The first critical point specified in the strategy’s announcement was: “We must rebalance the responsibi

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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