I am using at home Unifi to extend my WiFi through two access points. I am writing this post as a user who paid good money for these devices and feels betraid and left alone in the dark by Unifi. While installing the Unifi Controller on new machine, I am prompted to install Java. I am forwarded on this page: https://www.java.com/en/download/win10.jsp Of course, I know that Oracle changed licensing. Yes, this is supposed to be free for personal use. But I don’t like to support this concept, as I personally think that Java should be free for all. So, I tried to install OpenJDK, which is free to use for everybody: https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/14 And here started the problems: there is just a ZIP archive on that website. Sooooo, then I googled which environment variables are installed and I set all of them manually. That is a challenge itself, as the OJDK doesn’t seem to come with the required JAR files. Unfortunately, the Unifi Controller refuses to detect the OpenJDK. Then I started to google again on how to use Unifi with OpenJDK: Here As I was assuming, a lot of people are asking the very same thing. It appears…
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Read the complete article: Hey, UniFi, why Java? Or “The Best way to destroy customer trust”