How is Brave’s ‘Leo’ a Better Generative AI Option?

Brave Browser 

Brave is a Chromium-based browser, running on Brave search engine, that restricted tracking for personal ads. 

Brave’s new product – Leo – is a generative AI assistant, on top of Anthropic’s Claude and Meta’s Llama 2. Apparently, Leo promotes user-privacy as its main feature. 

Unlike any other generative AI-chatbots, like ChatGPT, Leo offers much better privacy to its users. The AI assistant does not store any of the user’s chat history, neither does it use the user’s data for training purposes. 

Moreover, a user does not need to make an account in order to access Leo. Also, if a user is leveraging its premium experience, Brave will not link their accounts to the data they may have used. /
Leo chatbot has been put to test for three months now. However, Brave is now making Leo available to all users of the most recent 1.60 desktop browser version. As soon as Brave rolls it out to you, you ought to see the Leo emblem on the sidebar of the browser. In the upcoming months, Leo support will be added to the Brave apps for Android and iPhone.

Privacy with Leo AI Assistant 

User privacy has remained a major concern when it comes to ChatGPT and Google Bard or any AI product. 

A better option in AI chatbots, along with their innovative features, will ultimately be the one which provides better privacy to its users. Leo, in this case, has a potential to bring a revolution, taking into account that Brave promotes the chatbot’s “unparalleled

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