Hybrid Cybersecurity: A Need of the Hour


Training artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models to provide enterprises with hybrid cybersecurity at scale requires human intelligence and intuition. When human intelligence and intuition are combined with AI and ML models, subtleties in attack patterns that are missed by numerical analysis alone can be detected. 

Data scientists, security analysts, and threat hunters with extensive experience make sure that the data used to train AI and ML models enables a model to accurately identify threats and minimize false positives. The future of hybrid cybersecurity is defined by combining human expertise, AI, and ML models with a real-time stream of telemetry data from enterprises’ numerous systems and apps. 

Benefits of hybrid cybersecurity 

One of the fastest-growing subcategories of enterprise cybersecurity is the integration of AI, ML, and human intelligence as a service. The service category that benefits the most from businesses’ need for hybrid cybersecurity as a component of their more comprehensive risk management s

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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