In September 2024, Google Threat Intelligence Group (consisting of Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) and Mandiant) discovered UNC5812, a suspected Russian hybrid espionage and influence operation, delivering Windows and Android malware using a Telegram persona named “Civil Defense”. “Civil Defense” claims to be a provider of free software programs designed to enable potential conscripts to view and share crowdsourced locations of Ukrainian military recruiters. If installed with Google Play Protect disabled, these programs deliver an operating system-specific commodity malware variant to the victim alongside a decoy mapping application we track as SUNSPINNER. In addition to using its Telegram channel and website for malware delivery, UNC5812 is also actively engaged in influence activity, delivering narratives and soliciting content intended to undermine support for Ukraine’s mobilization efforts.
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Targeting Users on Telegram
UNC5812’s malware delivery operations are conducted both via an actor-controlled Telegram channel @civildefense_com_ua
and website hosted at civildefense[.]
. The associated website was registered in April 2024, but the Telegram channel was not created until early September 2024, which we judge to be when UNC5812’s campaign became fully operational. To drive potential victims towards these actor-controlled resources, w
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This article has been indexed from Threat Intelligence
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