The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a United Nations agency tasked with creating global aviation standards, has disclosed an investigation into a potential cybersecurity incident. Established in 1944, ICAO works with 193 member states to develop and implement aviation-related technical guidelines. The agency announced its inquiry on Monday, following reports of unauthorized access linked to a well-known cybercriminal group targeting international organizations.
In its statement, ICAO confirmed it is examining allegations of a security breach and has already implemented precautionary measures to address the issue. While the organization did not provide specific details, it assured the public that a comprehensive investigation is underway. Additional updates will be shared once the preliminary analysis is complete.
The investigation coincides with claims by a hacker using the alias “natohub,” who posted on BreachForums, a well-known hacking forum, alleging they had accessed and leaked ICAO’s data.
According to the claims, the leak comprises 42,000 documents containing sensitive personal information, including names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and employment records. Another source suggested the leaked archive is approximately 2GB and contains data linked to 57,240 unique email accounts. ICAO has not verified the authenticity of these claims but has emphasized the seriousness with which it is handling the situation.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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