In Appreciation of David Burnham


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We at EFF have long recognized the threats posed by the unchecked technological prowess of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Since our founding in 1990, we have been in the forefront of efforts to impose meaningful legal controls and accountability on the secretive activities of those entities, including the National Security Agency (NSA). While the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee hearings and report in the mid-1970s documented the past abuses of government surveillance powers, it could not anticipate the dangers those interception and collection capabilities would bring to a networked environment. As Sen. Frank Church said in 1975 about an unchecked NSA, “No American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide.” The communications infrastructure was still in a mid-20th century analog mode.

One of the first observers to recognize the impact of NSA’s capabilities in the emerging digital landscape was David Burnham, a pioneering investigative journalist and author who passed away earlier this month at 91 years of age. While the obituary that ran at his old home, The New York Times, rightly emphasized Burnham’s ground-breaking investigations of police corruption and the shoddy safety standards of the nuclear power industry (depicted, respectively, in the films “Serpico” and “Silkwood”), those in the

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