In the fragmented insurance landscape, let’s unify customer experience

In the fragmented insurance landscape, let’s unify customer experience
Mon, 03/06/2023 – 06:13

You may think of an insurance company as a singularly-focused entity, offering protection for one product. However, the insurance business reaches across a disparate range of consumer products. If you really think about it, insurance also deals directly with the lives of its clients. A life insurance policy is all about the human lifecycle. Some insurance companies have gone so far as to insure an identifying part of a celebrity’s body.

So, in this world of diverse policies, how do you synthesize your brand and product portfolio across your B2B and B2C channels into secure individual streamlined experiences?

The challenges of streamlining user experience

Insurance is constantly in flux, needing a user-friendly experience for its customers while ensuring that the data it collects remains secure. With so much riding on the assets of an insurance organization, though, one thing is certain: the need for easy access and reliable data that will be protected with the right identity access management.

For the Dutch insurance firm, a.s.r., a reliable, secure database was required, not only for their business, but also to satisfy resellers and other business partners. To add to the challenge, a.s.r. has multiple target groups who need to access multiple applications through multiple channels, often across multiple brands. This required the best Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM) platform available.

Leveraging a CIAM platform

a.s.r. has a long history of providing customer-friendly insurance products in the Dutch market. Over the years, the company has grown into a merger organization, offering a wide range of brands and products, with different go-to-market approaches, backend systems and processes.

a.s.r. needed a method to re-onboard existing customers and onboard new ones without the administrative overhead normally associated with a customer registration process. After all, the point of a successful business is to retain current clients and attract new clientele to help the business grow. Making the registration process as frictionless as possible is one way to turn a prospect into a client. Offering a

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This article has been indexed from Thales CPL Blog Feed

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