India’s Digital Rise Sees Alarming Surge in Online Scams Targeting the Elderly


With India advancing in the digital landscape, the country is also witnessing a concerning rise in online scams. In recent months, thousands of individuals have lost substantial sums to these cyber criminals, either hoping to earn more money or after being threatened. Scammers employ new tricks, targeting people across all age groups, with a notable increase in elderly victims. Cyber criminals use increasingly sophisticated techniques to exploit the vulnerability and trust of senior citizens, causing significant financial and emotional distress.
In one case from Bengaluru, a 77-year-old woman named Lakshmi Shivakumar lost Rs 1.2 crore to a scam. It began with a call from someone posing as a Telecom Department representative, falsely claiming a SIM card in her name was involved in illegal activities in Mumbai. The caller mentioned a complaint with the Mumbai Crime Branch to add credibility.
Within hours, she received another call from individuals impersonating Mumbai Crime Branch officers, accusing her of laundering Rs 60 crore and demanding her bank account details for verification. Using threats of arrest and showing a fabricated FIR and arrest warrant, the scammers coerced her into sharing her bank details, ultimately transferring Rs 1.28 crore from her account, promising the money’s return after the investigation.
In another case from Chandigarh, an elderly woman was deceived out of Rs 72 lakh under the pretense of a digita

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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