Inside the Espionage: How Nobelium Targets French Diplomatic Staff

Cybersecurity threats have become increasingly sophisticated, and state-sponsored actors continue to target government institutions and diplomatic entities. One such incident involves a Russian threat actor known as “Nobelium,” which has been launching spear phishing attacks against French diplomats.

ANSSI Issued an Alert

France’s cybersecurity agency, ANSSI, has issued a notice outlining a Russian spear phishing attempt aimed at French diplomats, the Record writes. The CIA connects the campaign to “Nobelium,” a threat actor linked to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

The Campaign

Nobelium, believed to have ties to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (the SVR), primarily uses compromised legitimate email accounts belonging to diplomatic staff to conduct these attacks. The goal is to exfiltrate valuable intelligence and gain insights into French diplomatic activities.

Compromising Email Accounts of French Ministers

These events included the penetration of email accounts at the French Ministry of Culture and the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion, but according to ANSSI, the hackers were unable to access any elements of those networks other than t

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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