Integrate Spring Boot With jOOQ, Liquibase, and Testcontainers

In this blog, you will learn how to get started with jOOQ, Liquibase, and Testcontainers. You will create a basic Spring Boot application and integrate the aforementioned techniques including a test setup. Furthermore, you will use Spring Boot Docker Compose support to run the application in no time. Enjoy!

1. Introduction

The starting point for this blog was to get more acquainted with jOOQ, a database-first approach instead of using an Object Relation Mapper (ORM) framework. Being able to just write SQL including typesafety is very appealing and interesting. However, during the setup of the application, some extra requirements popped up. Note that these requirements are my own requirements and choices — these are not imposed by jOOQ.

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone

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