Could the future of law enforcement lie in the virtual world? In a pioneering move, INTERPOL established the INTERPOL Metaverse Expert Group in October 2023, aiming to enhance security in the emerging digital world known as the Metaverse. This virtual space, described as a 3D online environment where users interact through avatars, has raised concerns about potential crimes like grooming, radicalization, and cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure.
The INTERPOL Metaverse Expert Group is a collaboration involving INTERPOL member countries, governments, the private sector, academia, and international organizations. Their goal is to make the Metaverse secure by design. While the Metaverse holds promise for transforming various aspects of our lives, it faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, privacy concerns, jurisdictional ambiguity, and cybersecurity threats.
One key recommendation from INTERPOL is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive policing. However, there are concerns about the legal and ethical implications of relying too heavily on AI. Potential privacy violations and biases, particularly towards marginalized groups, raise red flags. The call for caution emphasises the need for checks and safeguards when using AI-based predictive policing.
Another legal dilemma in the Metaverse revolves around avatars – the digital representations of users. Questions arise about who controls AI-based avatars and their legal status. A recent case in South Korea, where a man was jailed for generating illicit content using AI, highlights the complexity of addressing legal issues tied to avatars.
The report also addresses the challenge of
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