Is Google Spying on You? EU Investigates AI Data Privacy Concerns

Google is currently being investigated in Europe over privacy concerns raised about how the search giant has used personal data to train its generative AI tools. The subject of investigation is led by Ireland’s Data Protection Commission, which ensures that the giant technical company adheres to strict data protection laws within the European Union. This paper will establish whether Google adhered to its legal process, such as obtaining a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), before using people’s private information to develop its intelligent machine models.

Data Collection for AI Training Causes Concerns

Generative AI technologies similar to Google’s brand Gemini have emerged into the headlines because these tend to create fake information and leak personal information. This raises the question of whether Google’s AI training methods, necessarily involving tremendous amounts of data through which such training must pass, are GDPR-compliant-its measures to protect privacy and rights regarding individuals when such data is used for developing AI.

This issue at the heart of the probe is if Google should have carried out a DPIA, which is an acronym for Data Protection Impact Assessment-the view of any risks data processing activities may have on the rights to privacy of individuals. The reason for conducting a DPIA is to ensure that the rights of the individuals are protected simply because companies like Google process humongous personal data so as to create such AI models. The investigation, however, is specifically focused on how Google has been using

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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