The Lazarus Group, a well-known cybercriminal organization, has pivoted to the defense sector with its Deathnote cluster. The group has previously been linked to cryptocurrency attacks and other malicious activities. However, its latest move into the defense industry marks a significant shift in its operations.
According to reports, the Deathnote campaign began in 2020 and has been active ever since. The group has been using advanced tactics to infiltrate defense companies, particularly those involved in developing military technology. Once inside, the hackers have been stealing sensitive data and intellectual property.
The Lazarus Group’s tactics have evolved significantly over the years. In the past, it has relied on spear-phishing attacks and other traditional methods of cyber espionage. However, it has now adopted more sophisticated techniques, such as the use of supply chain attacks and zero-day exploits.
The Deathnote cluster is particularly concerning because of its ability to evade detection. The group has been using a range of techniques to remain hidden, including the use of fake social media profiles and encrypted communication channels. This makes it extremely difficult for companies to identify and mitigate the threat.
One of the key vulnerabilities that
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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