LexisNexis’ Virtual Crime Center: Making Millions from Sales to the U.S. Government


According to contracting data and government records examined by Motherboard,a cybersecurity portal, the data firm LexisNexis generates millions of dollars offering specialised tools to law enforcement and other U.S. government organisations. 

The contracts draw attention to LexisNexis’ frequently underappreciated government work, which entails capabilities beyond its standard people-search or article databases accessible to consumers and businesses. One of these is the Virtual Crime Center, a system for connecting open records with internal and external databases from various organisations. The Secret Service purchased licences for the Virtual Crime Center, according to papers obtained by security analysts at Motherboard. 

“Today’s law enforcement agencies need a view beyond their own jurisdictions. LexisNexis Accurint Virtual Crime Center brings together disconnected data from over 10,000 different sources, including police agencies nationwide and public records for intelligence-led policing that can then drive decisions and actions,” the website for the Virtual Crime Center reads. The product is sold by LexisNexis under the Accurint name, which the company also uses for its range of government and law enforcement solutions. 
This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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LexisNexis’ Virtual Crime Center: Making Millions from Sales to the U.S. Government