EFF wrote recently about Locate X, a deeply troubling location tracking tool that allows users to see the precise whereabouts of individuals based on the locations of their smartphone devices. Developed and sold by the data surveillance company Babel Street, Locate X collects smartphone location data from a variety of sources and collates that data into an easy-to-use tool to track devices. The tool features a navigable map with red dots, each representing an individual device. Users can then follow the location of specific devices as they move about the map.
Locate X–and other similar services–are able to do this by taking advantage of our largely unregulated location data market.
Unfettered location tracking puts us all at risk. Law enforcement agencies can purchase their way around warrant requirements and bad actors can pay for services that make it easier to engage in stalking and harassment. Location tracking tools particularly threaten groups especially vulnerable to targeting, such as immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, and even U.S. intelligence personnel abroad. Crucially, in a post-Dobbs United States, location surveillance also poses a serious danger to abortion-seekers across the country.
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