OpenAI officials said that the user who reported his ChatGPT history was a victim of a compromised ChatGPT account, which resulted in the unauthorized logins. OpenAI has confirmed that the unauthorized logins originate from Sri Lanka, according to an OpenAI representative. According to the user, he logged into his ChatGPT account from Brooklyn.
In the leaked private conversation, the employee appeared to be troubleshooting an app; the name of the app and the location where the problem occurred were also listed. According to reports in ArsTechnica, there is a report that private conversations on ChatGPT were leaked.
Among the details leaked are login credentials and other personal information of unrelated users. The report also provided screenshots submitted by the alleged hacker of the account. Several screenshots have been shared, including several pairs of passwords and usernames that appeared to be related to a support system that is used by pharmacy employees to assist with prescription drug ordering.
Any personal data you share in your chat history can be accessed by hackers if your OpenAI account is hacked. Even though this makes perfect sense, it is very strange that you can gain access to information from other compromised accounts, especially in the context of security threats.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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