LummaC2: Obfuscation Through Indirect Control Flow

Written by: Nino Isakovic, Chuong Dong


This blog post delves into the analysis of a control flow obfuscation technique employed by recent LummaC2 (LUMMAC.V2) stealer samples. In addition to the traditional control flow flattening technique used in older versions, the malware now leverages customized control flow indirection to manipulate the execution of the malware. This technique thwarts all binary analysis tools including IDA Pro and Ghidra, significantly hindering not only the reverse engineering process, but also automation tooling designed to capture execution artifacts and generate detections.

To provide insights to Google and Mandiant security teams, we developed an automated method for removing this protection layer through symbolic backward slicing. By leveraging the recovered control flow, we are able to rebuild and deobfuscate the samples into a format readily consumable for any static binary analysis platform.

Protection Components


An obfuscating compiler, which we will also informally refer to as an “obfuscator,” is a transformation tool designed to enhance the security of software binaries by making them more resilient to binary analysis. It operates by transforming a given binary into a protected representation, thereby increasing the difficulty for the code to be analyzed or tampered with. These transformations are typically applied at a per-function basis where the user selects the specific functions to apply these transformations to.

This article has been indexed from Threat Intelligence

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