Machine Identities Pose Major Threat to Indian Organizations: CyberArk


In an era where digital transformation is swiftly reshaping the business world, the most recent research from CyberArk, an identity security company, highlights a growing concern: identity-related breaches. 

The 2024 Identity Security Threat Landscape Report highlights a concerning trend among Indian companies, with 93% reporting two or more identity-related breaches in the previous year. This worrying number demonstrates how Artificial Intelligence (AI) boosts both cyber defences and attacker capabilities by increasing the rate at which these identities are created. 

The rise of machine identities 

As organisations implement multi-cloud strategies and integrate AI-driven programmes, the number of machine identities expands. These identities, which are frequently allowed sensitive or privileged access, are currently regarded as the riskiest category. 

Unlike human identities, machine identities usually lack effective security protections, making them

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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