Marko Polo Infostealer Campaigns Target Thousands Across Platforms


The cybercriminal group “Marko Polo” is behind a major malware operation, running 30 infostealer campaigns targeting a wide array of victims. Using techniques such as spear-phishing, malvertising, and brand impersonation, the group spreads over 50 malware payloads, including AMOS, Stealc, and Rhadamanthys, across different sectors like gaming, cryptocurrency, and software. 

According to Recorded Future’s Insikt Group, Marko Polo’s campaigns have compromised thousands of devices globally, posing a significant threat to consumer privacy and business security, with potential financial losses in the millions. The group primarily uses spear-phishing tactics via direct messages on social media, targeting high-value individuals like cryptocurrency influencers, gamers, and software developers. 
They impersonate popular brands such as Fortnite, Zoom, and RuneScape, creating fake job offers and project collaborations to deceive victims into downloading malware. In addition to these impersonations, Marko Polo even fabricates its own brand names like VDeck, Wasper, and SpectraRoom to lure unsuspecting users. The Marko Polo operation is highly versatile, capable of infecting both Windows and macOS platforms. On Windows, they use a tool called “HijackLoader” to deliver malware like Stealc, designed to extract data from browsers, and Rhadamanthys, which targets a wide array of applications and data types. 
Rhadamanthys has also added advan

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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