Massive Chinese Botnet Infects SOHO Routers and IP Cameras


Raptor Train, the name of the botnet that has been used by hackers for decades, has infected hundreds of thousands of small offices/home offices (SOHOs) and IoT devices in the United States and Taiwan, including government agencies, higher education institutions, and telecommunications, as well as the defence industrial base (DIB). 
The botnet contains hundreds of thousands of small office/home office devices.

It was announced today by the Justice Department that a court-authorized law enforcement operation was conducted to disrupt a botnet of more than 200,000 consumer devices across the U.S. and beyond.

Several court documents unveiled in the Western District of Pennsylvania reveal that the botnet devices were infected by state-sponsored hackers from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) who worked for Integrity Technology Group, a Beijing-based company called “Flax Typhoon” and dubbed “Flax Typhoon” by the private sector. 

As Raptor Train has grown over the past four years, it has become a highly complex, multi-tiered network able to handle tens of servers, as well as a huge number of infected SOHO and consumer devices, including routers, modems, NVRs, and DVRs, IP cameras, and NAS servers with enterprise-level control systems. 
According to Black Lotus Labs, a research division of Lumen Technologies that specializes in hacking activities, the botnet was constructed by the Chinese cyberespionage

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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