I have been an active volunteer as part of corporate medical response teams for more than 20 years of my career. It has never been my primary job, but I like having the skills to help when really bad things happen in life. Such corporate teams bring like minded people together to assist when others are in medical need.
Over the decades, I have responded to hundreds of events, ranging from automobile accidents, heart attacks, severed limbs, breathing problems, and allergic reactions. Such emergencies occur in my community, in the workplace, and while travelling. I have, more times than I can remember, responded and aided flight crews when someone was having a medical issue.
This is the first time that I have ever received a Thank you letter! It is such a nice gesture that I want to call out Delta for taking the time to send me the message. I do want to note that the flight crew was absolutely professional, handled themselves very well during the incident, and the patient was able to get off the plane safely, under their own power. All things ended well.
I would like to recognize everyone who steps-up during such times to aid others. It is a commitment that starts well before an incident, usually with training, drills, and hopefully with a good mentorship. The very best team I ever worked with was at
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