Microsoft’s SmartScreen feature, a cornerstone of Windows security, faced a significant setback when a critical vulnerability, CVE-2024-38213, was exploited by cybercriminals. This vulnerability allowed attackers to circumvent SmartScreen’s protective mechanisms and deliver malicious code to unsuspecting users.
The vulnerability exploited a weakness in SmartScreen’s ability to identify and block potentially harmful files. By exploiting this flaw, attackers were able to disguise malware as legitimate software, tricking users into downloading and executing harmful files. This deceptive tactic, known as social engineering, is a common strategy employed by cybercriminals.
The consequences of this breach were severe. Cybercriminals were able to deploy various types of malware, including ransomware, spyware, and trojans. These malicious payloads could steal sensitive data, encrypt files for ransom, or even take control of infected systems. The potential impact on individuals and organizations was significant, ranging from financial loss to data breaches and disruption of critical operations.
Several threat groups were implicated in the exploitation of CVE-2024-38213. Notable among them were the DarkGate operators, who used the vulnerability to distribute malware through copy-and-paste operations. These attackers often targeted popular software, such as Apple iTunes, Notion, and NVIDIA, to lure victims into downloading malicious f
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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