Misconfigured Access Controls in NetSuite Stores Cause Major Data Breach


Microsoft’s apps for MacOS have been exploited by hackers recently to expose a critical vulnerability. It is believed that hackers have been exploiting vulnerabilities in popular applications, such as Microsoft Outlook and Teams, to spy on Mac users. In recent weeks, Cisco Talos’ security researchers have revealed how attackers can take advantage of this security breach and gain access to sensitive components like Mac’s microphone and camera without the user’s consent or knowledge, a division of Cisco Talos that focuses on malware and system vulnerabilities. 
The researchers of Oracle NetSuite have found that there are several thousand NetSuite customers who are inadvertently exposing sensitive company information to unauthenticated users through public-facing stores built using NetSuite SuiteCommerce or NetSuite Site Builder. Possibly, the exposure of custom record types in NetSuite was caused by a lack of understanding about the access controls for these types of record types in this popular SaaS enterprise resource planning platform (ERP) in today’s marketplace. 
In terms of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, NetSuite is a widely used SaaS Platform that is widely used for developing and deploying online retail platforms through its SuiteCommerce or SiteBuilder platforms that serve external customers. As a result of these web stores that are hosted on subdomains of the NetSuite tenant, unauthenticated customers can browse, register, and make purchases directly from business

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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